He says, “I sprayed on the spray-on sunscreen, and then rubbed it on for a few seconds. I walked over to my grill, took one of the holders to move some of the charcoal briquettes around and all of a sudden it went up my arm.” Brett says his body was on fire, “it went wherever the block went.”

Ten days later, his skin is still healing. The worst of the burns are around his neck. Pictures from the hospital burn unit show the extent of his second degree burns on his chest, ear and back, where you can see the lines where he sprayed the sunscreen. “There is no warning that says this product is flammable when applied to your skin or for a period of time when applied to skin,” he says.
The warnings only read, “flammable, don’t use near heat, flame or while burning” but nothing about once it’s applied. “I think if people were told this is flammable for two minutes on your skin afterward, people wouldn’t use it,” he says. And that’s why he is speaking out to prevent this from happening again.
With news video.
I just purchased aeresol sunscreen. I'll try to keep away from an open flame.
Just the other day I used an aeresol midge spray and a minute or so later had a cigarette. It wasn't until I was lighting it, that it occurred to me it might not be the wisest move. Nothing happened but I don;t think I'll chance it again...
(Just looking at the 'prove you're not a robot' signing in words I noticed one is a picture of the number 81 in a white box. At first glance I thought it was a crudely drawn robot head on its side and thought to myself, 'How can I draw a robot head using the keypad? I'm daft as a brush.)
New studies show that using sunscreen lotions/spays can actually do more harm than good to your skin, this includes causing, instead of preventing, skin cancer.
...guess this could be considered an immediate, extreme case in point, for doing more arm than good, no?
He needs access to the skin gun:
"Flammable; don't use...while burning."
So you're saying I CAN'T use this of i'm already on fire? Aww man.
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