Motorists along the highway near Kolobrzeg, Poland, were held up for hours while workers cleared up the huge trail of fish which had been scattered for several hundred metres along both sides of the road.

'At first we thought it was some sort of divine judgement - like a plague of locusts or frogs,' said one motorist Wladyslaw Nowak, 62. Police say the fish came from a transporter driven by trucker Jakub Carowski, 26, who had failed to shut the back doors properly.
As well as a £50 fine, the driver has to fork out a further £5,000 to pay for clearing up the road. 'You could say it's the scales of justice,' said one officer.
The local cats and seagulls must think it's christmas.
I was once following a truck up a hill when the tailgate came open and hundreds of cabbages came pouring out. Perhaps not as smelly as sardines, but a whole lot more dangerous.
What we really needed after that was a massive toast spill.
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