Most recently, Leaphart was arrested in February after approaching a female shopper at a Walmart in South Carolina and asking if he could kiss and smell her feet. After asking the teen if her toenails were painted, Leaphart said, ‘I know this sounds crazy, but have you ever heard of America’s Funniest Home Videos?’ When the unemployed woman said she had heard of the show, the man relied that he would pay for her purchases (up to $100) if she agreed to cooperate with a “prank.”

The teen then reluctantly agreed to Leaphart’s request to take a picture of her foot. “I know this is crazy,” Leaphart then said, “but can I kiss your foot?” Police reported that the victim agreed “under the impression it was a TV prank.” Leaphart then guided the woman behind a clothing rack, saying, “Let’s move over here so people don’t think I’m crazy.”
After dropping to the floor and grabbing the woman’s ankle, Leaphart noted, “Don’t worry, I don’t bite.” At that point, Leaphart put the woman’s big toe in his mouth and began sucking on it. The woman, investigators reported, “immediately screams at him to stop, and to leave.” Leaphart then stood up and, before running from the store, said, “Oh, it tasted so good though.” Police have classified the July 10 incident as a misdemeanor simple battery involving “hands/feet/teeth.”
Many thanks Katrina!
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