"SMERSH have contacted me to assassinate you and have specifically paid extra for a particularly nasty death which makes it look like you died in a particularly bizarre sex game gone wrong," the email continues. However, the so-called international assassin, called Dai Teatime, who signs off with the words "toodle pip", informs the recipient that he has found out that the sender is innocent of the supposed charge.

"Get back to me if you value your life with all due speed or else I regret I will have to carry out my original contract to assassinate you and, although he is quite charming for a horse, I don’t think Henry is the most sensitive of lovers." Urban Schrott, IT security and cybercrime analyst with internet security company ESET Ireland has warned that while the spam caused amusement to himself and his colleagues, it had the potential to cause a lot of harm.
He said spams were sent out at random so spammers don’t know who will get them. "But if they get a response from anyone, then they do know this person exists, offers feedback, and is a potential victim of a targeted attack they can prepare just for them," he said. "Best thing to do in such cases is just to delete all such emails and not reply to them at all," he said. Mr Schrott said anyone feeling genuinely threatened by an email should report it to the GardaĆ.
Teatime is an assassin from the Terry Pratchett Discworld novels. Also a loony, so quite an appropriate moniker. Oh yeah and as he would have said its pronounced Tee-ah Time-eh.
Wasn't SMERSH (as a fictional/satiric evil organization) mentioned in an old Sam the Sham & the Pharaohs song?
SMERSH is the James Bond evil Soviet organization... which makes this whole scam even funnier!
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