Thursday, August 16, 2012

Chinese musicians 'sit on invisible chairs'

The jiggery-pokery starts about a minute in.

YouTube link.


nancy said...

I didn't see any invisible chairs, but that was a beautiful performance. I loved it, other than the music, but I was listening to Arcade Fire anyway, so YAY! Two thumbs up!

Anonymous said...

Watch carefully as the women position their legs carefully over a spot on the stage where, I believe, a support rises up their pant legs upon which they sit.

Anonymous said...

...just like Nancy posted, I didn't see any invisible chairs either...of course if I'd seen them, they wouldn't have been invisible.

Anon. said that he/she saw something that went up the women's pantlegs.
OMG. Hot looking Asian women with with things going up their pants.

I'll be right back...

Unknown said...

How are they able to do that, maybe they use Chinese Chairs fitting the color of the background so, it is optical illusion instead of a trick?