Thursday, August 23, 2012

Controversy over mural of naked woman with dress that turns into dog

A community is up in arms over an art project that many say is pornographic. It's located on an outdoor wall in the town of Chosewood, southeast Atlanta, across the street from a church. It's also near a school, a day care centre and a mosque. The imam at the mosque said the last thing his community needs is a nude woman for all to see. "It's pornographic. It's offensive," Tajiddin Muwwakkil said. "I don't think it should be (displayed). The (pubic) hair is showing and nakedness. It's not necessary," another woman passing by said.

The mural shows a naked woman, she then appears to grow a fur dress which she sheds, transfoming into a dog that walks away. People upset with the image don't understand the message. But one parent said she does. "It starts off as a woman and it end up as a dog so think about what it's really saying. Read between the lines," Wanda Cooper said. The mural was painted by Argentinian street artist Hyuro, with the group Living Walls. The organization had its conference in Atlanta over the weekend.

Some parents are so offended they said they're changing their routes to keep their kids from seeing it. "This is a shortcut from his school. We'll take the long way home," Cooper said. But there were some people who didn't have a problem with the painting. "It's not just nudity. This is a form of art," parent Crystal Harvey said. She brought her two small children by to see the painting. Harvey said it shows a woman who is going through trials and tribulations then sheds her wild side.

"She's taken all the wildlife off her and now she's back to being in a Godly world," she said. Community leader Tina Arnold agreed, saying the painting is about being a better person. "I love the transformation," she said. "I understand exactly what it is this woman is going through." Still, many people want the painting removed. Atlanta's director of cultural affairs has said the artist presented another image for approval and then put the controversial one up. The mural is on private property, but the city is exploring what it can do to remove it since it wasn't approved.

With news video. There's another video here, and a photo gallery here.


Onna B said...

Look up the definition of Pornography, people!!!
It's a naked woman....this really shouldn't be a big deal!

Anonymous said...

Oh noes! Nekkid wimmins! Quick, Mabel, cover the eyes o' dem chillins and get 'em back to killin' folks on Xbox!

Anonymous said...

Oh noes! Nekkid wimmins! Quick, Majidah, cover the eyes o' dem chillins and get 'em back to killin' folks with a suicide bomb.