Friday, September 14, 2012

Australian MP's condolence motion for Queen's dead corgi 'makes a mockery of parliament'

A condolence motion by New South Wales MPs for the Queen's corgi Monty has been condemned as a waste of time and taxpayers' money. Liberal whip Peter Phelps moved the motion, asking for it to be considered. The motion proposed that the upper house note with condolence the passing of Monty at the royal residence of Balmoral, at the age of 91 dog years.

Dr Phelps also moved that the parliament recognise the “rich life” of Monty, who appeared in a video featured at the Olympics opening ceremony, and wish the Queen the best for her remaining dogs Willow, Holly, Candy and Vulcan.

Labor MP Walt Secord said the motion was ridiculous, especially at a time when cuts to education funding should be dominating debate. “This is an absolute waste of time and taxpayer's funds,” Mr Secord said.

“Dr Phelps raised it when we were trying to hold an emergency debate on the $1.7 billion education cuts by the O'Farrell government. I have been a pet owner, but I do not think we should spend time debating a condolence motion on the Queen's corgi. This makes a mockery of parliament.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One's named "Vulcan"? That's funny.