Friday, September 28, 2012

Disgruntled woman smeared dog poo over neighbour's front door and car

A Natick, Massachusetts, woman in the midst of a day-long dispute with her neighbour on Monday spread dog faeces all over the woman's front door and car, authorities said. Lisa Hanson, 39, was arrested after the 6:15 p.m. incident according to a police report filed in Framingham District Court.

Police went to that address for a report of a neighbour dispute, according to a report filed by Natick Officer James Keohane. Keohane wrote that he was greeted by Hanson's neighbour on the front porch. "I then looked at the house. The door was completely covered in dog waste," he said in the report. "It was everywhere." The woman said she and Hanson have been having a lengthy dispute, and the woman had called police earlier in the day after Hanson yelled at her.

The incident that led to the dog faeces being spread on the door started when the woman cleaned up the yard and left a pile of brush and a barrel of Hanson's dog's waste in the driveway. "The next thing the victim saw out her window was the defendant carrying the red barrel walking back toward the victim's front door," said Keohane. "The defendant then stopped at the walkway and started to throw the waste in the barrel at the victim's front door."

After covering the door, Hanson then threw the dog droppings on the woman's Lexus. Police arrested Hanson, of 10 Rice St., and charged her with vandalizing property, intimidation of a witness and disorderly conduct. Prosecutors did not ask for any bail for Hanson, and Judge Robert Greco released her. When asked if she wanted a court-appointed lawyer, Hanson declined. "I don't believe I need a lawyer. It's all over dog poop, sir," Hanson said. Hanson is due back in court on Oct. 9 for a pretrial conference.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice mug says it all