Friday, September 21, 2012

Lovelorn man makes roundabout van proposal

A romantic van man has made a very public marriage proposal in a bid to haul back his runaway sweetheart. For the lovesick driver subtly posted his heartfelt appeal to Linda in big orange letters down the entire side of a silver VW Crafter – left next to the busy A6072 at Shildon, County Durham.

Drivers heading to work were amazed to see the roadside Romeo’s passionate prose – leaving many wondering just how he had upset Linda and whether he can successfully deliver her down the aisle. Michelle Terrington, who works at nearby Redworth Services, said: “It’s quite strange and it’s a bit funny. It must have cost a lot to put all of the signage on the van.  I’ve never seen anything like it before and everyone keeps asking if we know Linda.”

The van was parked close to a roundabout near the George Reynolds Industrial Estate – not exactly the most idyllic spot for a drive-by betrothal.  In a bid to transport Linda back to his arms, the message begins with an apology and continues: “I’m a fool and an idiot sometimes. I love you with all my heart! Please come home and put this right. We miss you!! I miss us. I want to grow old with you. Will you marry me?”

His lovelorn appeal certainly intrigued Annie Ollie. She said: “I saw the message driving past the roundabout on my way to work.  I noticed the van had a proposal on when everyone started slowing down. He’s clearly a heartbroken man.” Harvey Jayne added: “When I saw it on my way into work I thought it was quite good – it’s definitely a new way of saying sorry. He’s got to have done something very wrong. Everyone’s talking about them now.”

1 comment:

Barbwire said...

Can't wait for the follow-up. Will she or won't she?