Friday, September 21, 2012

Parrot owner has heart attack after theft

A woman suffered a heart attack after finding thieves had stolen her pet parrot. Lois White, 61, returned home to Tredworth in Gloucester to find her African grey parrot missing.

While she was with the police she started experiencing chest pains and paramedics were called. The family is desperate to be reunited with six-year-old Jasper, who is described as "very nervous" but also has an "outstanding vocabulary".

Phrases used by the parrot include: "Do you want some porridge?", "Cup of Tea", "Trick or Treat", "Merry Christmas", "Naughty boy Oscar, naughty boy" and "Don't be so stupid". Mrs White said: "We have never been parted from him. He is totally, completely, and utterly part of the family. It's like having your arms cut off to have him missing like this and I am very fearful for his safety because he is a very nervous bird."

She was told stress had brought on the heart attack which came as a "complete shock" and was "very frightening". Mrs White spent six days being treated in Bristol Royal Infirmary and returned home earlier this week. Gloucestershire Police have appealed for any information or witnesses.

More information here.

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