Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Sausage sandwich-eating fox led firefighters on a merry dance

This fox kept firefighters fit after it sneaked into the gym of a kindergarten at Essen in Germany and refused to leave for over an hour.

The school raised the alarm after noticing the fox had come in through an open door apparently attracted by the smell from a sausage sandwich that had been left by one of the children on a chair in the room.

But after eating the snack the fox was unable to find its way back out as the door had closed, and it started scratching the wall and knocking things over which alerted teachers. Fire brigade spokesman Mike Filzen said: "The door had shut and the animal was extremely agitated about the fact that it couldn't get out again.

"It was a young fox and was running about everywhere – and it led the fireman a merry dance before finally jumping out through a window and making off." The kindergarten staff said they had often seen the fox in the grounds but that it had never come into the building before.

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