Friday, September 14, 2012

Second sighting of red-eyed vigilante superhero in Runcorn

A second alleged sighting of a red-eyed vigilante has sparked rumours that a ‘superhero’ is fighting crime in Runcorn. The Runcorn and Widnes Weekly News has now received two reports of a masked man dressed all in black with glowing red eyes coming to the rescue of victims of crime. The latest report claims the mystery man stopped a gang of hooded youths from stealing a motorbike on Friday night.

It follows a letter which alleged that a similar looking figure fought off two men who were hassling a woman near the Royal British Legion. The latest anonymous letter said: “I was walking my dogs in Town Park this Friday when I saw a group of about six lads coming out of the trees.

“They were clearly intoxicated and looking for somebody and at least three had weapons – one had a large stick and the other two had golf clubs. It was pitch black and I feared for my safety. Then what happened was the weirdest thing I have seen in 52 years of living in Runcorn. A man with glowing red eyes dressed in all black, with a black SAS-style mask dropped down from a tree about 50ft ahead of me.

“Half of the group started running away but the three with weapons charged towards him and started swinging the golf clubs. Whoever he was, he had obviously had some kind of combat training because he moved so fast and disarmed all three of them in just few seconds. No sooner had it happened, the man just disappeared out of sight. It was exactly how the other woman described it. He was just like a superhero.”

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