Once there the deputy was told by the girl's mother that she and her daughter had become embroiled in an argument over shorts that were too short for school. The woman said her daughter became "verbally combative," so as punishment she decided to remove some electronics from the girl's room.

The girl started throwing items around the room and told her mother to "Shut up f----up bitch!" the deputy wrote in his report. The girl's mother admitted she "smacked" the girl in the mouth for cursing her, at which point the girl knocked her mother's glasses off, kicked and bit her several times, and tried to choke her before fleeing the house.
The deputy saw bite marks and bruises on the woman's arm. Another sheriff's deputy found the girl at her bus stop and asked her what had happened. The girl recounted a similar to story to her mother's, but said she bit her mother so she could escape. She was charged with misdemeanor battery and has an Oct. 10 court date.
1 comment:
Obedience is a learned behavior. Spank 'em when they're young, or this is what you'll get in their teen years.
Most likely, little miss shorts will end up pregnant in a few months and spend the rest of her life waiting tables to make the payments on her trailer and buy cigarettes. All because momma didn't whip her ass when she smarted off as a five year old.
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