A loss prevention official at a Publixstore told a Martin County Sheriff's deputy she watched Karen Bartlett hide cheese and lady's laxatives in a purse in the beauty aisle. The loss prevention official stopped Bartlett as she was about to exit the store and recovered the items.
The cheese was identified as "Belgioio Slice Log" in sheriff's records. "Belgioio" resembles the name of a Wisconsin-based company known as BelGioioso Cheese, which has five manufacturing facilities. Logs of cheese can be sliced, or cut, and slices of cheese can be logged, or categorized, but a clear understanding of "slice log" could not immediately be obtained.

The women's laxatives in question were described as Publix brand. They were valued at $3.99, half that of the "Belgioio Slice Log." The loss prevention official said it was a second offence for Bartlett and that Publix wanted to prosecute. Bartlett, of Palm City, Florida, was arrested on a misdemeanor retail theft charge. She also was issued a trespass warning.
Man, that story took such a bizarre left turn into the definition of a cheese log that I had to go see what country it was written in. The linked blogger seems to be from Florida himself, but doesn't cite his source. The police records are pretty straightforward, because people shoplift all the time and the stuff they take can be unusual, but not really worth such an examination.
Will Greenlee is quite famous for going off at peculiar tangents, Miss C.
Well sometimes cheese constipates you. And then the laxatives..........
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