Thursday, November 01, 2012

King Canute composer turned wave tank into giant musical instrument

A composer dubbed 'King Canute' has become the first in the world to perform music created by waves - in a swimming pool. Dr Alexis Kirke transformed his body into a 'giant baton' by covering himself with motion sensors that controlled the water in a massive wave tank at the University of Plymouth, Devon.

The more he moved his arms, the louder and more intense the music became - just like a normal conductor. Dr Kirke, 42, used the sensors on his arms to manipulate the number and size of waves created by 24 giant paddles in the pool. His movements controlled waves in the tank and gauges in the water then measured the water’s movements.

The gauges sent electronic signals to a synthesizer which created the music. Raising his arms changed the pitch of the sound while joysticks also enabled him to change the volume. Dr Kirke’s Orchestra Of Waves was watched by hundreds of people at the university. Dr Kirke has put together the 12-minute show with co-composer Samuel Freeman.

YouTube link.

Dr Kirke said: 'I told him I wanted to be like King Canute, controlling the waves. 'The show went very well and people in the audience were asking whether they could buy the music. You are in a building and hear the noise of the waves and the smell and see them crashing down. There’s no way of explaining what it’s like to have dramatic sounds synchronized with that.'


Anonymous said...

I do not get the allure.

Anonymous said...

This is what your tax money and tuition are paying for, folks.