But when they asked him to clothe himself, the man, instead, broke into song and began to masturbate, according to authorities. Gretna Assistant Police Chief Anthony Christiana said officers didn't recognize the tune warbled by Osmar Hernandez, 33, of New Orleans.

But it was quite clear his stripped-down performance was fueled by alcohol. Christiana said a resident called 911 on Friday at about 9:30pm and complained about a naked pedestrian who appeared to be masturbating. Officers found the man later identified as Hernandez.
He was nude from the waist down but was holding his shorts. Officers asked Hernandez to put his shorts on. But Hernandez allegedly ignored the order and began to masturbate while singing. Hernandez eventually redressed. Officers noted he had trouble keeping his balance and smelled of alcohol. Hernandez was booked with with public intoxication and obscenity.
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