“The lady on the phone said they could transfer my daughter and said her boobs were so large she will always get teased. And the only suggestion she had for me is to have my daughter get a breast reduction,” Jackson said. Bullies at Central Middle School in Moline Acres, near St. Louis, make lewd and insensitive comments about Gabrielle’s large breasts, her mother claimed.
Jackson expected the school to look into the issue and tell the suspects to stop humiliating the sixth-grade girl. Instead, Jackson said the blame was placed unfairly on Gabrielle, the victim, rather than the bullies. “It makes me feel like now you are telling me it’s my fault, it’s God’s fault the way he made my daughter,” she said.
YouTube link.
School Superintendent Clive Coleman said that the school is currently investigating the incident and working on decreasing bullying throughout his district. He does not think, however, that Jackson’s claims are entirely accurate. “We’re still investigating it,” he said. “But to be honest with you, I think it’s maybe a product of miscommunication.”
Doesn't sound like the school is trying to "place blame" on the girl...maybe just being a little too honest?
he said. “But to be honest with you, I think it’s maybe a product of miscommunication.”
So - he's saying his employees are ineffective communicators?
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