Sunday, February 24, 2013

China to restrict fly numbers and apparent odours in its public toilets

The Chinese Health Ministry is planning to improve the hygiene standards of China’s public toilets, even intending to restrict the number of flies in them. Under the new requirements, no more than three flies will be allowed per square metre in each toilet.

At the most, only three flies will be allowed per square metre in stand-alone public toilets. Only one fly will be allowed in public toilets built within other facilities, according to new draft hygiene standards.

The Health Ministry released the draft on Thursday to solicit public opinion. Once they are approved, the regulations are expected to be strictly enforced, rather than just be recommendations as in the past.

The new requirements classify all public toilets into four classes according to their odour levels. These are: no odours; slight odours; apparent odours; and strong odours. Under the new rules, no toilet will be allowed to have more than a slight odour. Odour levels, caused by ammonia and hydrogen sulphide, will be evaluated by special teams.

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