He responded by saying: "Disabled children cost the council too much money and should be put down." Disability Cornwall advice services manager Theresa Court said: "I was absolutely horrified anyone would make such a depraved comment, let alone a Cornwall councillor and at a public event. "As far as I was concerned I had a duty to make a formal complaint against Councillor Brewer to seek appropriate justice." An investigation was launched and the independent standards committee ruled that Mr Brewer should write a letter of apology to the organisation.

His letter read: "I am writing to offer my whole hearted apology for the offence these remarks have clearly caused. While I meant no offence by my remarks to you I can see, in retrospect, that they were ill judged and insensitive and should not have been made at all." When Mr Brewer was contacted about whether he would resign he initially claimed that he could not recall the incident. However when prompted he said that he was not aware that there had been calls for his resignation and indicated that he would not stand down.
He said: "I had come to their stall after a long council meeting and I was probably a little bit het up as we had had some difficult debates. I could see that they were trying to sell me something so I said something to them which I thought would provoke a reaction. But they turned their backs on me and I walked away – I thought that was the end of the matter until the complaint. I used to be a salesman and I said it to provoke them into a discussion – I expected them to parry it and talk to me. I didn't mean any offence and didn't want to upset anyone."
I know somebody who should be "put down" first.
The Spartans agree.
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