The gum is not only shaped like them, but there is also a graphic picture of a camel’s backside on the packet. Ruby McKenzie’s mum Charlene, 26, said: “I was disgusted as I think that it’s totally inappropriate.
“I am more upset with the company that makes the gum than the shops that sell it. It’s OK for adults and a bit of a laugh, but I can’t see the funny side when they are kept in the sweet section of shops where children like Ruby will see them,” added Charlene, of Birmingham.

Paul Southam, managing director of Fini Sweets UK, which distributes Camel Balls, said as a parent he had faced a “moral issue” before agreeing to the deal, but had received only one complaint. He said. “I do sympathise with the parent here. But it’s supposed to be funny and a bit of a joke.”
How could anything possibly be too vulgar for the Anglo-American market?
A cartoon of a camel looking round at it's bum is hardly a "graphic picture of a camels backside"!
"Getting the hump" means something entirely different in America. Or maybe it doesn't...
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