''It's a big issue, I get contacted on a weekly basis about the noise,'' she said. A Yeronga woman - who didn't want to be named for fear of reprisals - said she had two young children and didn't need to hear some of the language cyclists used in her neighbourhood at 5.30am.

''Some of it's what they got up to the previous night and how drunk they were and who they shagged,'' she said. The woman feared being identified after she heard a cyclist regularly yell abuse as he rode through her neighbourhood. ''Maybe a resident said something to him but every day at 6am you could hear him yelling out `wanker!'''
Bicycle Queensland general manager Ben Wilson said his organisation had asked members to be considerate of residents, and supported the 'keep quiet' signage. ''There's no doubt there are some great big boofhead blokes in some of these groups who would be the sort of people who are loud in the pub and they're loud out there, so we want other riders to say 'hey, pull your head in mate','' he said.
more evidence of why bicyclists need to be removed from society for the benefit of all
They're shouting about how many women they've shagged and how much they've drunk the night before, amd it's only 5am?
More evidence that cycling puts lead in your pencil!
Time cycling was made compulsory!
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