One of the homes was knocked off its foundation. Barry Alan Swegle, 51, was booked into the Clallam County jail for investigation of malicious mischief in the first degree, a Class B felony, with no bond set. Authorities reported no injuries.

Clallam County Sheriff's spokesman Jim Borte said investigators were told that Swegle and his neighbours had a long-running dispute, although he wasn't sure what it was about. Phil Riley, a neighbour who witnessed the destruction, said a property line dispute between Swegle and property owner Dan Davis, whose two properties were severely damaged, “had been brewing for some time.”
YouTube link.
Keith Haynes, who lives near the badly damaged homes on Baker Street in the Gales Addition area east of Port Angeles, said his neighbour “just went nuts.” “He took a skidder and took out two houses,” Haynes said, “I mean demolished.” A skidder is a bulldozer-like device used in logging. “It was like a war zone,” said Haynes, a former law enforcement officer who has lived in Gales Addition for two years.
So ... never get into a pissing contest with someone who has access to power equipment?
Heh heh, that's probably good advice!
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