Officers were called to the firm of solicitors on Wednesday afternoon after staff reported a sickening smell wafting throughout the building. After employees searched the Victorian-era premises, they found Gough’s remains wedged into the chimney.

Staff at Moody and Woolley solicitors reportedly noticed a gap in the wall in an unused part of the building about a month ago, which pointed to an attempted break in. Mr Gough's body is understood to have been significantly decomposed, which attracted an unusually high number of flies. It was removed late on Wednesday and a post mortem examination is due to take place later.
Mr Gough, who had no permanent address, has a string of previous convictions for targeting businesses. Builders were last month called in to investigate reported damage to the premises and found a hole in the roof of the former 18th century town house. After telling workers it appeared to be an attempted break-in, the incident was forgotten until the appearance of the unusual smell. Staff were said to be in shock over the "tragedy".
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