The lamb has been named Nelson and is being bottle-fed by the farmer. Farmers Kenneth and Val Gunn found the mutilated animal while they were shepherding their flock. "We were appalled at what we saw," said Mrs Gunn. "We couldn't believe anybody could do such a thing to a defenceless little animal. It's so clear-cut where the ears have been taken, it's got to have been done by a human."

She said following the attack, Nelson was abandoned by his mother. Mrs Gunn is bottle-feeding him four times a day and has found another sheep to act as a foster mother to him. Although the attack appears to have left Nelson deaf, Mrs Gunn said he seems to be starting to recover. "He's certainly a fighter," she said.
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Simon Parker, RSPCA chief inspector for Nottinghamshire, said he was horrified by the sadistic attack. "The pain and suffering that lamb must have gone through shortly after birth beggars belief," he said. "Clearly the ewe was caused distress as well because she abandoned the lamb shortly afterwards. I certainly hope we will find the people responsible. I'm sure somebody knows what happened."
Absolutely appalling. I really have no other words for this.
Disgusting. Brought tears to my eyes.
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