Christ's bearded visage is facing east in a floor tile near a security checkpoint in Terminal Three.

TSA officials were reportedly unaware of the holy apparition until reporters and travellers started paying attention. One of them said, "Yeah, it kind of looks like God, I guess.
YouTube link. Original video.
"All I know is, we've sure had some weirdos around here, ever since it showed up." Another observer wasn't so sure: "It looks like gum … or poop."
All hail the tile Lord.
"All I know is, we've sure had some weirdos around here..."
That's what I thought the whole time growing up in a fundamentalist church. I'd sit there every Sunday and watch these nominal adults talk to an invisible man in the sky (who never answered, by the way) and think to myself, "What the fuck is WRONG with these people?!"
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