He accused Edward Phipps, 63, of ploughing into him after an angry confrontation outside a pub in Bridgnorth, Shropshire. Crompton accused Mr Phipps of driving into his knees causing him to roll across the bonnet after he gave him a ticket for parking in a disabled space. But CCTV obtained by police proved that no such incident had occurred.

Following a four-day trial at Shrewsbury Crown Court, Crompton was found guilty of intending to pervert the course of justice and jailed for four months. Paul McGreary, group manager of public protection and enforcement at Shropshire Council, said after the case “Clearly the sentence from the courts reflects the seriousness of this case.
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“We have an expectation that our civil enforcement officers act with the upmost integrity and honesty. As unfortunate as this case was, it does highlight the pressures that civil enforcement officers can be under while they carry out their duties. However saying that this was a very unusual situation and we are confident it was an isolated case.”
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