Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Shop burglar almost crushed by falling cigarette cabinet

In a scene like something out of the world's dumbest criminals, a bumbling thief found out the hard way that cigarettes are hazardous to your health when a hefty cabinet toppled on to him in Hamilton, New Zealand, on Monday.

Two men smashed through the street-front glass door of Frankton Lotto and Stationery at about 5am. Both offenders headed straight for the cigarette cabinet.

They pulled at the solid metal and wood structure. It soon loosened from the wall bracket, tipped and slammed down onto the unsuspecting burglar, almost crushing the man

Owner Ravi Khatter thinks the dim-witted burglar must have been injured, despite fleeing from the scene. The duo fled with cigarettes and caused up to $6000 worth of damage to the store.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Smoking kills.