Wednesday, August 14, 2013

South African teacher suspended for taking pupil to have his penis pierced

A teacher at a Pretoria school was suspended for allegedly taking a pupil to have his penis pierced.

The school governing body has confirmed that the teacher was facing a disciplinary hearing and was on paid suspension. The teacher was a governing body employee.

The school governing body would not confirm exactly why the teacher was suspended and what charges he would face. The Gauteng Education Department said it was aware of the incident.

"The department can confirm the allegations and that the teacher is suspended," said department spokesperson Gershwin Chuenyane. The department said it viewed the incident in a very serious light.


Tjhom said...

Great picture choice! Hehehe

arbroath said...


It took quite a while trying to find an image that wasn't totally inappropriate.

Anonymous said...

"It took quite a while trying to find an image that wasn't totally inappropriate."

Yeah. I want to know what Google search terms you used to come up with this!

As an aside, none of the teachers in my high school were ever this helpful.


arbroath said...

Heh heh, I can't remember what I searched for in the end.

Searching for the obvious terms turned-up a vast array of eye-watering images.

Barbwire said...

But you are the master of finding the perfect picture!

arbroath said...

Thanks Barbwire!