Gulley told HCSO Sgt. Michael Allen he’d “set a trap” for Christie Black, 43, of the same address, by placing two envelopes containing $4,000 and $1,000 in $100 bills in an old medicine bag. The medicine bag was then placed on a foosball table and Gully went to bed. Gulley said that when he woke up, he noticed Black was still awake, but the medicine bag and cash were missing.

When Gulley confronted Black with the theft, Black reportedly vomited up a baggy containing partially dissolved pills. “He then asked her where the money was, and she admitted to him she’d wrapped it up and stuck it in her rectum,” Allen stated in his report. “Black admitted (to Allen) to taking the money and medication because Mr. Gulley was going to kick her out and she needed money for a place to live.”
Allen said Black attempted to remove the cash with a toilet brush and tongs but was unsuccessful. “She was bleeding severely and was transported to the Hawkins County (Memorial Hospital) emergency room,” Allen said. “The wad of money was removed and collected as evidence.” An arrest warrant has been issued for Black charging her with theft over $1,000, but the warrant hadn’t yet been served because she is still hospitalised. She remains listed in fair condition at Holston Valley Medical Center.
"Black attempted to remove the cash with a toilet brush..."
She obviously used the wrong end.
Until I saw your comment It hadn't crossed my mind that there are two 'ends' to a toilet brush.
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