Friday, September 27, 2013

Jesus fish to be taken on holy tour of Sweden

Fish-factory workers in western Sweden who discovered a perfectly shaped cross on a Norwegian salmon's belly last week have now decided to take the Jesus fish on tour to show the rest of Sweden. The fish was found by factory workers in Gothenburg on Thursday and the news made a splash across Sweden.

Fish factory worker Lars Ludwigson, who initially took the fish home for what he called a "blessed dinner", had the epiphany to give the salmon a second coming and to take it on tour.

"My original plan was to eat it, but I can't do that now. I've hidden the fish in a freezer because of this hysterical interest and I'm the only one who knows exactly where," he added.

"But I must conserve it in some way, putting it in alcohol might upset some Christians so the most biblical method must be to salt it ... if I remember correctly, Jesus said something about that."

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