Johnesha Benford and Tamaria Sterling allegedly got into a fight with the victim at a club on Saturday night and showed up to her home on Sunday. The victim told police she was cooking when she heard a knock on her door, so she grabbed her roast before answering.

A verbal altercation ensued and Sterling attempted to throw a cup of urine on the victim. To retaliate, the victim then threw her roast at Sterling. The victim shut her door, but Sterling and Bedford reportedly beat on it until it opened and began assaulting her. She reported Bedford held her down while Sterling punched her repeatedly.
Witnesses were able to break up the fight before authorities arrived. Police stated the two women claimed it was self-defence, but witnesses stated they were aggressors. The victim suffered cuts and scrapes to her face and upper chest. Sterling and Benford were each charged with assault and aggravated burglary.
Whats interesting is that this incident was not reported by ANY of our local news (WSMV, WKRN, WTVF) but somehow it's out there.. This sort of stuff happens here so often it's no longer local news worthy? Instead we read about kids foiling muggings with fencing epees....
I'd rather have a roast thrown at me. Just sayin'.
How difficult is it to identify a roast?
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