Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Puppy bears remarkable resemblance to Hitler

At only seven weeks old Patch the puppy is more used to being called by the name of his lookalike, and these days he’s more likely to answer to “Adolf” or “Hitler” than his own name.

A cross between a French bulldog and a shih tzu, Patch lives with his two brothers with Lynda Whitehead in York.

Lynda says: “Although he’s called Patch, everybody calls him Adolf now. My grandsons are the worst for doing the goosestep when the puppy’s around.”

Despite his likeness, Patch is a gentle soul. “He is a lovely little thing. All of them are, but he is the gentlest of them all. He will sit on your lap and just look at you, until he falls asleep. One of his brothers should be Hitler, he has the attitude. He’s the runt of the litter so he’s had to fight a bit more,” Lynda addedd.

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