Monday, November 18, 2013

World record set for the most people dressed as penguins

More than 300 people have waddled their way to a new record for the largest gathering of people dressed as penguins in one place.

A group of 325 gathered in Canary Wharf, London, to officially set the record.

Under the rules for the record, each participant needed to be dressed in a full, head to toe penguin outfit that needed to consist of a beak along with a black and white bodysuit and webbed feet.

YouTube link.

The event raised thousands of pounds for children's hospice, Richard House, which will go towards providing vital care and support for children and young adults with life-limiting health conditions.


Barbwire said...

I guess some people don't have many interesting things to do with their time.

arbroath said...

In their defence, I suppose it was for a good cause.

Anonymous said...

luv this!