The advert, part of a campaign by Cycling Scotland, seeks to encourage drivers to give cyclists the same space and care as they would give a horse.
But the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) said it should not be shown on TV again as not wearing a helmet was "socially irresponsible".
YouTube link. Vimeo link.
The ASA, which received complaints from five viewers, acknowledged the advert was primarily aiming to encourage motorists to take care when driving near cyclists. But it noted that the cyclist in the final scene was not wearing a helmet or any other safety attire. Cycling Scotland said wearing a helmet was not a legal requirement.
I'm still amazed people won't pay for bike lights or helmets.
Whilst it's great to get more people cycling to stay healthy, there's a limit to that when they get themselves run over.
If you can protect the stupid from themselves by legislating for seatbelts in cars, surely the same can be done for helmets.
Apart from 'serious' lycra-clad cyclists, I very rarely see any wearing helmets.
arbroath: The lyrca lot here being referred to as mamil(s) "middle-aged men in lyrca".
Just because the amateurs don't do it, doesn't mean it's not a good idea. Take any advantage.
My boss recently came into work with her helmet smashed cleanly in two. At relatively low speed, someone turned left in front of her, knocked her over the bonnet and she landed somewhere on the back of her (helmeted) head. It was such a crack I've absolutely no doubt they'd have been picking the back of her skull up with a sponge and tweezer if she wasn't wearing a helmet.
Oh, I'm well aware that wearing a helmet is a good idea.
I was just saying, that in my experience, the majority of cyclists don't.
Wearing a helmet can help in some cases, but it's not true that they are some kind of life saver, nor is strictly correct they reduce the risk of head injuries - the fact is, there is no evidence to prove this, which is why there is no law on wearing one.
Incidentally, the ASA have now provisionally withdrawn their ruling against this advert.
Ratz said: "you can protect the stupid from themselves".
Why bother? And whatever happened to the concept of personal responsibility?
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