For this the cat has been publicly declared gay and disowned by its owner. The cat, named Bull, was alleged to be in the habit of making sexual advances only to other male cats in the house even though there are several other female cats.

Neighbours attested that none of the other cats born while the cat was in the house has it’s colouring, lending credence to the fact that it has not been able to mate with other female cats in its home or anywhere in the surrounding area.
The cat's owner, who has not been named, expressed a strong belief in the divine purpose of creating male and female of every creature to fulfil an ordained purpose of procreation said, “anybody interested in this gay cat can have it because I have no further use of it.” The cat’s renunciation, however, was so dramatic that no one wanted to take ownership of such an animal.
Gaaaa! Can't cure stupid.
"Nature isn't natural!"
Can't cure it but you sure can stop it breeding.
I would have the cat, I already have about 25 once unwanted animals living at my place, but NZ is a little far away, any of you's peep-ols in the UK game to fly to Africa to save a cat from stupid ?
So, she thinks this "divine purpose" made a mistake with Bull the cat? Or is Bull consciously rebelling against his divine purpose? Either case would be quite noteworthy.
Hasn't anyone explained to her the cat is NOT having sex with the others? It's a dominance behavior; he's letting the other makes know he's number one. Orally the opposite of what she thinks.
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