Saturday, May 03, 2014

Birds keep invading woman's home by flying down her chimney

Like a scene from Hitchcock’s classic movie “The Birds,” a Californian woman has been living with the horrors of dozens of black swifts who invade her Exeter home at sunset each day. "They come out of nowhere. They is like 200, 300 of them. Yeah, I screamed a couple of times," Shirley Brown said.

When Brown came home last Friday, the birds were everywhere: in her kitchen, behind the TV, under the couch, and on the ceiling fan - nearly 70 birds loose inside her home. "I think the most horrifying was how they got in and the mess that they were making while they were here, because birds are scared and they are pooping," Brown said.

To clean up, Brown fired up her vacuum. "But when I did that, I scared them, and they came flying out of the chimney, and you're just dodging these black birds, so we were just chasing birds all over the house. It was nuts. I just assumed they were trying to get away from the storm, Friday night."

YouTube link.

But since last Friday, Brown says they've been back, every night at around 8pm, like clockwork. Typically during summer, some black swifts flock to California to mate, and they can nest in small spaces, like chimneys. There are six homes with chimneys on Brown's street, but for some reason, they're picking hers. "I am thinking that with the weather change they will go away. I hope."


Anonymous said...

...weird, but a screened cap on the chimney would solve her problem.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, don't they have critter guards over there???


Anonymous said...

Or she could just stoke up a nice fire in the fireplace. That'd probably do the trick.

Ratz said...

I'm impressed at how stoic she was about the whole thing. I fear I wouldn't wait and would have chicken wire over the chimney the next day, but still, well done her.

Anonymous said...

Are they crows? Better get some obsidian.

WilliamRocket said...

Reckon I would feel like the chosen one if that happened to me. Praise her, for she is the new controller of all the birds and animals, second only to the ultimate master, whose name is Steve.