Thursday, May 01, 2014

Bull ran into butcher's shop following escape from abattoir

A raging bull that escaped from an abattoir in the town of Schmallenberg near Dortmund, Germany, on Monday morning then jumped through a butcher's shop window where he was shot.

The two-year-old bull was being led from a trailer into a slaughter house when he bolted, broke through a fence and escaped into the town. But the bull panicked when he saw his own reflection in the butcher's shop window and leapt straight through the glass, before ploughing up and down the store, before jumping back out onto the crowded main street.

Butcher Stefan Gierse grabbed a nail gun and shot the crazed animal dead in front of the shop. Vet Thomas Delker, who was called to inspect the animal said: "The butcher deserves a medal," he said. "It's really lucky it went the way it did, something terrible could have happened there.”

Having killed the bull and loath to waste a perfectly good carcass, Gierse proceeded to bleed the animal out on the road, beheaded it and butchered it for meat. Inspecting the butchered bull, Delker cleared it for human consumption. "The meat is completely fine and can be used,” a spokesman for the town’s health authorities said.

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