Monday, June 23, 2014

Man who needed 80 stitches after trying to move alligator from road says he's learned his lesson

A man left needing 80 stitches after he and two friends tried to tackle an 11-foot alligator which was blocking a road in Sulphur, Louisiana, says he's learned his lesson.

"I've always been the kind of guy who learns the hard way," said Glen Bonin. Bonin and three of his friends tried to move the alligator out of the way on Prater Road just south of Sulphur.

Raw footage.

YouTube link.

"(We) took our shirts off, threw it on his (the gator's) face, and we were going to come from behind it and jump on it... in the process of doing that, it spun around and grabbed my hand seconds before we jumped on it," Bonin said. The alligator then snapped at Bonin, biting his hand and sending him into a daze.

News video.

YouTube link.

"It felt like someone was pulling my arm out. I thought I was about to lose something. It felt like it lasted forever," Bonin said. "Hopefully with therapy I'll be able to straighten out my ring finger and pinky a little bit," Bonin added. Officials with the enforcement division of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries stress that if you come into contact with an alligator or any wildlife, do not try to handle it on your own. Instead, call local law enforcement or the local LDWF office.


Dunex said...

Almost worth an honorable mention at the Darwin awards

Anonymous said...

...that's what he gets for trying to torment the beast. They had the thing off the road, then they played with it.

Ratz said...

If he's that slow a learner, he should probably start with something smaller and slower, like our administrative staff, or if he's feeling especially daring, heavily sedated sloths.

Anonymous said...

Ratz, where do you work:)