She and her husband were upstairs watching TV when she heard a noise.“I just thought that it was windy and the blinds were moving,” she recalled. She thought the wind had blown the screen to her kitchen window off, but when she opened her bedroom door; “I turned on the lights, and there was a man sleeping in the bed,” she said. “I did freak out but I didn’t scream or anything, I just backed out, went to the stairs and called my husband who was sitting upstairs.” The woman’s husband grabbed a knife and rolling pin from the kitchen, just in case. Then, the couple called 911 and waited outside for police to arrive.
When officers showed up, police said Shelby was still asleep in the master bedroom. His clothes were tossed next to the bed. The woman said it appeared Shelby had made himself pretty comfortable, cuddled up with her quilt and pillows. “I remember that when I saw him in the bed, I was freaked out but as soon as I saw his clothes, I felt disgusted,” the woman said. Police learned Shelby had let himself in through the kitchen window by removing the screen, climbed over the sink, grabbed a Sprite from the fridge then climbed under the covers in the master bedroom to take a nap.
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Aside from the Sprite, the couple said nothing was missing. “That’s a good thing because my wallet was right beside the bed,” the woman said. She’s since cleared the bed sheets and washed the linens. She can’t seem to shake the thought of finding Shelby, a man she’d never seen before, sleeping naked in her bed. The woman who found Shelby says she’s glad he didn’t wake up when she spotted him and turned the lights on. The couple said they’re sleeping upstairs in a different bedroom for now. Shelby is charged with breaking and entering. He told police he thought he was in his girlfriend’s house. The couple said the officers on scene thought he may have been drunk or high. Shelby appeared in court on Tuesday, where a judge kept his bond at $2,500 cash or surety.
Wow, they even called the cops on Jesus.
Heh heh!
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