The prosecution's case could take as long as 2 1/2 weeks. Reardon said he had received a lot of suggestions on the subject of his client's appearance - much of it unsolicited - and he wanted to discuss how to handle the issue with the court. "I think we have to get it out there," he said, adding that he wanted to make sure potential jurors were able to clearly see his client's features. During Thursday's hearing, Veiovis had his shoulder-length hair pulled back into a ponytail, revealing his horn implants, a tattoo featuring Norse Runes - an ancient Germanic alphabet - across his right cheek and the numbers 666 in the center of his forehead. Reardon said he had heard "urban legends" concerning the numbers 666, but he wasn't fully aware of what it meant. He said jurors might have their own ideas on the subject.
Berkshire District Attorney David F. Capeless told the court he wasn't planning to go into any of the possible meanings of the tattoos or try "to connect them to the charges." The prosecutor suggested showing the potential jurors a close-up photograph of Veiovis, one that would likely be allowed into evidence during the trial. Judge C. Jeffrey Kinder said he was disinclined to have a photograph of the defendant on a screen while a jury was being chosen. "It rubs me the wrong way," he said. He decided that he would ask potential jurors if there was anything about the defendant's appearance that could keep them from being fair and he would let them look at Veiovis' photo at the time they are to be individually interviewed. Veiovis, 33, of Pittsfield, is accused of helping Adam Lee Hall, 37, of Peru, and David Chalue, 47, kidnap, torture, kill and dismember David Glasser, Edward Frampton and Robert Chadwell in late August 2011 as Tropical Storm Irene was bearing down on the Berkshires.

Veiovis has denied three counts each of murder, kidnapping and witness intimidation. On Thursday, Kinder denied a motion by Reardon to keep out of the trial photographs that were taken of various weapons found at Veiovis's apartment during the police investigation. Police found machetes, knives and spiked bats during a search of the residence. None were taken since they tested negative for blood, according to testimony in the earlier trials. The judge said the images had "probative value" since they showed that the defendant had access to weapons. The firearms used in the killings and the tools used to dismember the bodies have never been recovered. Kinder likewise denied a motion to keep out anatomical and surgical illustrations found collaged on the wall of Veiovis' old apartment. A request by Reardon to once again move the trial, which was already moved out of Berkshire County due to pretrial publicity, also was denied. Reardon believes there would be more potential jurors who were unaware of the case further east.
Looks like your typical defendant (and juror for that matter) here in California.
Heh heh!
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