Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Mystery over dead koala dumped in driveway of police station with $50 in its mouth

A dead koala found dumped outside a police station in south-west Victoria, Australia, with $50 stuffed in its mouth has officers baffled. Sergeant Jason Von Tunk was working alone at the Heywood police station on Saturday night when he heard a thud outside.

He said he thought he was about to be ambushed when he went outside to investigate and found the dead animal in the driveway with money in its mouth. "I went out and put my torch on it and it made me shiver, I thought I was being set up," he said. "The old, put a dead koala out in the middle of the driveway situation and then get ambushed.

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"But when I saw the $50 in its mouth that made me even more curious." Sergeant Von Tunk said he called in another officer from the nearby Portland police station to help work out what was going on. "There was no note attached to it to suggest what it was there for," he said.

"We're still at a loss, we haven't heard from anyone." Sergeant Von Tunk said the koala had head injuries but he did not think the koala was killed deliberately. "We've had a good look at it and discounted any cruelty issues ... it could have possibly been run over by a car," he said. The $50 was entered into the station's property book and the koala was buried.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe whoever dropped it off thought the $50 would cover the animal disposal fee.

I mean, the couple of times we've had to have a cat of ours put down, there was a disposal fee.

