Albeit with a limited number of posts. I'm having a problem with one of my eyes which is causing a great deal of discomfort. I look like I've been punched in the face.
Thankfully, I'm no longer getting a searing pain every time I blink - it now feels like I constantly have a strong onion being peeled beneath it. Hopefully it will continue to improve.
Holy Crap, Dude! Get well soon!
So sorry to read this, Kev! Hope you get better soon!
Feel better!
Thanks Rene, D and Anonymous!
It's feeling a lot better this morning.
It's obviously still not right and is still uncomfortable, though it now itches more than anything.
I suppose I'll have to resist the temptation to scratch it!
My best wishes for a speedy recovery
Happy to see you're back. Get well soon!
Thank you Pino and Anonymous!
Glad you're doing better!
Have you seen a doctor yet? Please go see one.
Best of luck, as well.
And, what Elena said.
Thanks Kay!
I couldn't get an appointment at the doctor's until next week, Elena and Lurker111.
So I didn't bother booking one.
Sounds really miserable, Kev. Hope you continue to heal.
Thank you Fred!
It's definitely a lot better than it was.
Sounds like the last time I had a stye that was on the inner edge of my lower eyelid. I'm not a doctor, but this worked a bit for me to ease the pain: Take an old sock, put in about a cup of dry uncooked rice and tie it off at the top; then microwave it for 30-45 seconds. Then place a damp washcloth over your closed eye and hold the warm rice sock over the eye for a while, adjust for it to be warm enough to be tolerable (e.g., let the rice bag cool if too hot). I did this 3-4 times a day, really helped me out! Heal quickly! KaraBoo in Ohio
Many thanks for the tip KaraBoo!
sounds horrible, hope it improves soon.
If you can get some eyebright herb from a whole foods shop, make a tea with hit and bathe the eye regularly.
I get pink jelly blisters in my left eye a lot and use that remedy
Take god care :-)
Thanks for the advice, Annemarie! I'll look out for that.
Thanks Anonymous!
Just get an eye patch and parrot, then start posting like a Pirate.
Seriously, man, I hope you beat this quickly.
Heh, cheers Bruce!
Is it pink eye? If it is, you're highly contagious. Get well soon, Arbroath.
Thanks Shak!
Racine, Wisconsin here. Sincere wishes for a fast recovery. Also, best of luck on Thursday, whichever way you're hoping it goes.
I think you should make the appointment anyway, just in case. Hope you're feeling much better soon!
Welcome back. Sorry to hear about your eye. Take your time and get well soon.
Thank you Anonymous, Barbwire and Anonymous!
Yes, you're probably right Barbwire, although thankfully my eye is now much better, albeit still not 100%.
Get well.
I'm sorry to hear this mate,hope everything is getting better and wish you a speedy recovery.
Thank you Vettesnfrets and Tony!
I'm feeling a lot better now.
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