Berger said he was simply enforcing the city ordinance that has been on the books since 1960 and was responding to a “frustrated’ neighbour’s repeated complaints, including a report on Aug. 16 that one of Turnbull’s chickens was running loose in the residential area near the elementary school. “I’m sorry it had to happen that way,” said Berger, adding that he didn’t intend to leave the severed chicken head in the yard to send a message to the homeowners. Berger said he thought the head was still attached to the chicken when he carried the carcass away. Berger said killing the chicken was justified. “It’s against city ordinance for a chicken to be in the city and running around in people’s yards,” he said.
Turnbull said Berger didn’t handle the situation professionally. “I still feel he owes my son an apology and he owes us a chicken, said Turnbull, who filed a written complaint with the Atwater Police Commissioner on Aug. 20. Berger said when he got the call on Aug. 16, he saw the chicken in a yard next to Turnbull’s house. He said he tried for 10-15 minutes to catch the chicken or chase it back into the pen. “I feel like I made a good effort to get it back in,” he said. But when the other two chickens and two ducks in the fenced pen started to get out, Berger said he closed the door that he’d opened, grabbed a shovel leaning against Turnbull’s garage and “dispatched” the chicken. Since there were children playing in the adjacent yard, Berger said he didn’t want to use his gun to kill the chicken and the shovel was the “safest way to dispatch it.”

When asked why it was necessary to kill the young chicken instead of letting it be, Berger said the family was “not supposed to have them in the first place” and that he wanted to give the aggrieved neighbour “some results.” It was the same process he would use if there was a report of a skunk, he said. “I guess I don’t regret it, because it’s like taking care of any rodent in town,” he said. Turnbull said she doesn’t understand that logic. “I couldn’t perceive a chicken being a threat to anybody,” she said. Turnbull’s neighbour, Jason Shoutz, said he saw Berger walk up to the chicken by the coop and swing the shovel “up and down.” His young daughter was in the yard at the time and saw the officer kill the chicken. Berger said he left no note on the door and although he intended to initiate contact the family after killing the chicken, he did not. Turnbull has not yet heard a response, but the issue is expected to be addressed on Wednesday during the Atwater City Council meeting when, ironically, Berger said he intends to present a proposed ordinance to allow chickens in the city, that the council asked him to prepare earlier this year.
Sad for the kid
Whining mother not so much, well aware of the fact that she should not have them ignores it. What did she expect?
Amazing that the neighbours didnt take matters into their own hands.
I am surprised the County's Animal Control, who are usually connected to Law Enforcement, were not involved. In Maryland, Animal Control will show up to seize any animals you should not have.
Sheesh, they are allowed to have dogs but not chickens !!!
How bloody stupid.
How many kids get disfigured for life from dog attacks ?
How many from chicken attacks ?
Crazy people.
This guy sounds like an idiot. Just because a particular law has been on the books since the 60's doesn't mean it's right. All laws should be re-examined. This man overstepped his position. And the neighbour is the problem, not the chicken. He sounds like a douche who will complain about anything. And I guess we can tell what kind of a neighbour Dunex would be.
Wouldn't this be a job for animal control? They have nets, and skill in catching animals.
Also, does a failed attempt to catch the animal justify killing it? I fail to see where this chicken was such a threat.
The only good thing I can see in all this is that the policeman didn't start shooting. Now he's going to introduce an ordinance to allow chickens? Why couldn't there have been some kind of deliberation before killing the chicken?
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