The cat's owners, the Perceval family, agreed to let the buyers take their home in a Melbourne suburb along with its feline resident. Fran Perceval said that when the five-bedroom house in Glen Iris was being viewed Tiffany got numerous admirers. "We jokingly said all the people coming through are loving her," she said.
"We said to the agent, 'She goes with the house, hahaha' not expecting at all to actually have a clause written into the contract saying it includes the cat." The house was auctioned at the weekend and bidding reached just over AU$2.06m (£1.125m, US$1.8m). But at the last minute a bidder upped the stakes, offering AU$2.2m (£1.2m, US$1.9) if the cat was included.
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The agent, Glen Coutinho, said: "I've had plenty of people say they'll throw in their partners but not pets. It's a first." One person who might not be so happy with the deal is Michael and Fran Perceval's 19-year-old son, Sam. He bought the cat four years ago and was particularly fond of the pet. His parents have told him they may well soon be making a trip to the local animal shelter.
The son should be afraid, very afraid.
Heh heh!
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