The animals ran into the opposing lane and at one point smashed through a police barricade hitting a police van that tried to stop them at a roundabout. The horses ran off when a car backfired after the owner had left them beside the road to get some cigarettes. They then ran unchecked along the streets, several times almost causing a serious accident.

A police spokesman said: "We received calls saying that a pair of horses were causing havoc on the roads. We dispatched a patrol car and a police van to deal with them, but it soon became apparent that stopping them was easier said than done." Officers eventually managed to bring the pair to a halt after they ran into a park to avoid yet another roadblock, and started grazing when they felt the grass underfoot.
Full YouTube video.
"One of our officers was able to take control of the reigns," the spokesman added. Now the regional police HQ is offering a prize to anyone who can come up with a way to tackle the problem in future as a way of making light of the chase. In a statement they said: "We will give a prize to the best suggestion for punishment for such horse joyriders who have clearly broken the law, and also for a way to stop them in future that doesn't involve damage to police vehicles."
I question the use of sirens. It seems to me that would only frighten the horses more.
I completely agree with you Barbwire.
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