James Finan, 21, was spotted “jogging without any light” at 1:27 on Sunday morning, according to a Lower Saucon Township Police Department report.
Finan attends nearby DeSales University, where he is a business major. According to police, “vehicles were observed to take defensive measures to avoid Finan” as he ran alongside the road.

When officers confronted Finan, he reportedly smelled of alcohol and was unsteady on his feet. A subsequent breathalyzer test registered his blood alcohol content at .19, more than twice the legal limit for driving.
In the land of the free you're not allowed to jog without or light or while drunk? Boy they take freedom seriously over there!
Had he been carrying a gun, all would have been all right.
So he had too much to drink, and he wants to go home. If he stays/loiters/waits to sober up in the area where he drank, he will be arrested for public intoxication. He might have driven, but he doesn't. And we all appreciate that.
So he was walking/jogging home. This is a sensible and even commendable action to any sane person. But the police still find a reason to arrest him, which is particularly aggravating when they have the discretion to just drive him home.
There are many reason I am an ex-patriot, but the American police force is the primary cause.
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