Joshue Holoman, 30, covered in roofing tar from trying to break into the Sunoco in Daytona Beach through an air conditioning shaft, was charged with two counts of attempted burglary of an unoccupied structure, possession of burglary tools and criminal mischief. Holoman of Orlando was also seen earlier on the roof of another business, the comedy club Grandview Live, police said.

Officers were called to the closed business by a witness who heard a strange noises like whistling, snorting, a torch sound and rattling fence coming from the back of the business, police said. When police arrived, they saw Holoman on the roof, covered in tar. He first said he was visiting family and then changed his story, saying he was an air conditioning technician trying to fix the units because he could hear them making noise from the ground.
Holoman then said he was on the roof sleeping and rubbed roofing tar on his body so he could not be seen from the ground. Police found Holoman with a makeshift prying tool used on the Sunoco’s air conditioning shaft. While being taken to jail, Holoman became violent and broke a $500 metal panel inside the prisoner transport vehicle, police said. He remains jailed on $4,000 bail.
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