He said Cottle's actions were "premeditated" and inexcusable". The labourer drove the car on to the circuit at high-speed during the last 30 minutes of the four-hour Fun Cup race, on 14 June. Judge Joy said: "With your girlfriend in the front passenger seat and your other friend in the back filming, you drove your girlfriend's car on to the track. You drove a full circuit and I have seen the films with sound commentary showing your girlfriend was hysterical and screaming and begging you to stop, and also protesting it was her car."
Contains NSFW language.
YouTube link. Censored video with NSFW language removed.
He said she had to be taken to the on-site medical centre after suffering a panic attack during the drive, while Cottle came off the track laughing. "It was quite clear that [Cottle] put himself and his passengers in danger, and those of drivers on the track who would not have expected a car going considerably slower," said prosecutor Iestyn Morgan. "While racing was resumed after it had been red-flagged, the race was cut short. There was evidence that a number of competitors were upset about what happened. As far as the impact to Fun Cup UK, which organised the race, they lost about 30 minutes, at a cost of around £4,200 to them.
YouTube link.
"Brands Hatch are particularly concerned about this being copied, in particular because videos were posted on YouTube." The defendant pleaded guilty to a charge of causing a public nuisance by driving on to a live racing circuit causing it to be stopped and putting competitors in harm's way. Ailsa Williamson, defending, said Cottle "lacks maturity and is easily led". "The best mitigation is Mr Cottle's very early guilty plea at the preliminary hearing," she said. "It also follows full admission to the police. It was very fortunate that there were no injuries to the competitors in the race."
The giggling a***hole doing the filming needs a good kicking.
What a bellend.
Complete arse, but still, that's longer that people who actually, deliberately hurt people get.
How is being immature a valid plea in mitigation? Defence counsel should be charged with contempt for using that in mitigation. Basically what counsel said was "my client is a childish, irresponsible dickhead". What ext, the defence counsel in a case of criminal damage claiming that the judge should be lenient because their client is a selfish prick with no respect for other's property?
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