Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Deer freed from plastic pumpkin - Update

After at least six days with its head stuck in a plastic pumpkin and presumably unable to eat or drink, a deer in Mentor, Ohio, has been freed from his predicament.

The straps of the plastic pumpkin had appeared to be embedded in the deer's head, near its ears. The entire mouth was enclosed in the plastic contraption.

YouTube link.

Officials with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources were in town on Monday to try to help the deer, but ultimately it was a teenager from a local animal sanctuary who was successful.

Cameron Merritt said he hid in a hunting blind and jumped out and attempted to tackle the deer, and the pumpkin fell off. "It's just like a football tackle," he said. "When I grabbed it we went to the ground and this thing snapped off." The deer, which was okay, simply ran away.

With news video.


Anonymous said...

Good job! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Wooo! Hell yeah kid!