Sunday, November 09, 2014

Jealous man assaulted ex-girlfriend with a Cornetto

An ex-boyfriend who got jealous when his former partner told him she was seeing someone else assaulted her with a Cornetto, a court heard. Angry Ben Moses, 20, "thrust" the Wall's ice cream into Katie Crowle's face after she said she was seeing another man.

Magistrates in Truro, Cornwall, heard the relationship went into meltdown after Ms Crowle admitted she was involved with someone else. Gail Hawksley, prosecuting, said the pair were trying to reconcile after a three-week split when she revealed details of the new relationship.

Furious Moses reacted by grabbing a Cornetto that one of their two childrens had been eating and tried to stuff it into her mouth, the court heard. Ms Crowle dialled 999 during their fight but the last thing a police operator heard was the sound of her screaming. The woman was left with a face full of ice cream, a swollen lip and a bruised chin, the court was told.

Ms Hawksley said Moses had no previous convictions but had a caution for assaulting the same woman, his partner of four years. Rob Eccleston, defending, said Ms Crowle had taunted his client with intimate details about her sex life with the unnamed other man. The court heard that in spite of the bust up the feuding couple are now back together. Moses of Falmouth, Cornwall, admitted assault on October 11 and was fined £100 and ordered to pay £105 costs.


Anonymous said...

Wow. The illo of the ice-cream cone reminds me of a treat we used to have in my high school called a "Nutty Buddy."


arbroath said...

It looks just like a Cornetto.

Anonymous said...

It certainly looks like a Cornetto (not the first time great minds have come up with similar products). The Nutty Buddy goes back at least to 1968. How far back do you remember the Cornetto?


arbroath said...

It seems that the Nutty Buddy came first.

According to Unilever, who own the Cornetto brand, it was introduced in 1976.

Strangely, the spiel also states that they've been perfecting the Cornetto recipe for over 50 years.

As I personally recall, the mid-seventies sounds about right.

kdub_nyc said...

You have no idea how many times my friend and I had to replay the part in Shaun of the Dead where he says he's going out and does Ed want anything and the answer is, "Cornetto". Took us FOREVER to realize he was asking for something specific to the UK. But yes, to us that's a "Nutty Buddy".